It’s baaack.

It’s that time again.  I’m back for another ICLW (International Comment Leaving Week, for those not in the know, just click on that little green button over there).  If you visited me last month, not a whole lot has changed (but please don’t let that stop you from poking around–I have been writing).  If you’re here for the first time, let’s get acquainted:

  • Hubby has hypogonadotropic hypogonadism.  In other words, his hormones are all out of whack.  He was on testosterone replacement therapy for many years, which effectively killed all sperm production.
  • He got off the T in August of last year and started getting hCG injections in September, followed by the addition of hMG in December.
  • We’ve noticed some physical changes, and Hubby’s suffered from lethargy, hot flashes, and weight gain in the meantime, but we don’t get another SA done until mid-April, so we still don’t know if he has any swimmers.
  • While we’re waiting, I’ve been getting myself checked out.  I had an HSG in February, which turned out fine, and I just had CD3 bloodwork done last weekend.  So far, there are no known issues with me that would prevent me from getting pregnant, you know, once we have some sperm to work with.

So, that’s us.  Take a look around my little corner of the blogiverse, make yourself at home, and feel free to comment anywhere you’d like.  I look forward to visiting all of you as well!

18 thoughts on “It’s baaack.

  1. I love it when people do a synopsis of their issues during ICLW. I always learn something new. For instance, I had no idea that getting testosterone replacement would kill sperm. Glad things are looking good for you so far!!

    • Thanks. Yeah, unfortunately a lot of doctors don’t even know that taking testosterone will stop sperm production. I’ve heard of it being prescribed to people who are having trouble conceiving–which is the exact opposite of helping! Too bad for Hubby he really needs it most of the time, so he doesn’t look like a 12-year-old!

  2. Ditto…I guess I never knew that about testosterone, either! Thanks for sharing (and for writing!). 🙂

    • If anything good can come out of this (other than a baby!), it’s that I’m starting to feel like a bit of an advocate and educator, which is pretty awesome!

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog! Excited to scope yours out too. Cheering for you guys. It seems like there is an endless variety of issues that can cause infertility, and every story is so unique. Hoping that SA comes back with good news 🙂

  4. I hear you on the testosterone issue! So many of our doctors didn’t know about effects of T- which turn out to be devastating for a TTC couple! The only one who did was our RE. Good luck to you and your hubs- I’ll be reading!

  5. Thanks for sharing a bit of your history. I hope that your husband’s SA will show signs of improvement in April and I’m really glad your test results were all normal.

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