
Today you are one. In a year ruled by numbers–length and weight, milliliters consumed, soiled diaper counts–365 days is the one we celebrate. But you have been my daughter much longer than that. You were one of seven fertilized eggs, created in a lab instead of my body, but made with love as much as […]

November poem

I almost forgot!  November is nearly over, and I haven’t published a poem yet.  Not that you all were like, “Come on, Daryl, we’re waiting for that poem!”  But, still.  I have a self-imposed challenge to live up to.  So you get two posts in one day.  Enjoy. ~ The needle goes in. A pinch.  […]

October Poem

At least I can say I got something accomplished today. ~ Match-making They don’t mate for life, you know. My husband wishes they would, insists some code is imprinted upon them with his first wearing, pulls them out of the laundry one by one, inspecting each for clues about its preferred partner. I watch him, […]

August poem

I feel the need to preface this poem.  It doesn’t feel finished to me.  It’s not everything I want to say on this topic.  But it’s a start.  I have left it with Sincerity and A. for our writing group, and they’ll give me their comments/suggestions in a couple of weeks.  Until then, this is […]

July poem

To a father not yet made A piece of you exists.  It cannot be pinned down, cannot swim, cannot climb.  It has no limb nor eye nor tooth. We will meet in a laboratory, in the hollow space of a needle, after our bodies have gone.  We will make a life outside ourselves. She will […]

June Poem

A few weeks ago, Mel challenged her MFA Sunday School students to write a villanelle.  This was a new one for me.  And quite difficult.  It’s metered, rhymed, and two of the lines are repeated at very specific places within the form.  This is what I came up with.  It’s a very rough draft, and still untitled, so be […]