
We managed to schedule a local scan, which saved us an entire day of travel. (Actually, we had two of them scheduled at one point. I guess that request for the GP to write a letter on my behalf was redundant.) Our experience here, with this pregnancy, has already been so different, and it seems […]


“Those eyes!” It’s usually the first feature people notice when they meet baby girl. They are large and bright, curious and expressive. Their exact color has been a mystery since her first day of life. They’re gray. Well, hazel, maybe. In certain light sort of an olive green. Sometimes even teal or turquoise. One thing […]


A few weeks ago, the church where I spent a good chunk of the early years of my life was destroyed in a fire.  I saw the news on Facebook and was surprised by how affected I was. (Source) The images are shocking, but more than that, the memories of my childhood there came flooding […]