ALL the Anxiety

I applied for a job on Monday. Well, that’s not exactly true. I applied more than two weeks ago, but when I sent a follow-up email, discovered that my application had not been received. Cue mild panic attack followed by an entire afternoon and evening of frantically re-applying, using an application form I didn’t even […]

Happy Thoughts Thursday: Four Day Weekend!!!

*Pregnancy, pregnancy, pregnancy, pregnancy, blah, blah, blah.  You’ve been warned.* I am so excited to have four straight days to relax and try to recover some energy this weekend.  When I originally proposed this idea to Hubby, he wanted to drive to a neighboring state to visit a national park, but after seeing how exhausted […]


*Whiny, angsty, pregnancy-related post ahead.  Read at your own discretion.* Hubby asked me last week if, since I’m now pregnant, I was going to stop going to therapy.  Because being pregnant is the cure to my crazy?  Ha! During yesterday’s session, I was going on and on and getting myself all worked up over the […]

Happy Thoughts Thursday: Rule of three?

Hubby has an interview scheduled for Monday.  It will be his third such interview for an academic job since April.  (And his first since the heartbreaking “My academic career is over” comment.)  It’s for a one-year position on the opposite side of the country. As he tends to do, Hubby is already thinking about how […]


So, that thing I was hinting could happen in this post?  Apparently has happened.  My 76-year-old father has been laid off. And, as I feared, Zappa has had to help him pick up the pieces.  She assisted him with his online unemployment application yesterday, and then called me to commiserate.  Unless a miracle happens, no […]


Y’all are way too kind. The comments on my last post were totally undeserved.  It’s not courage that led me to pick up the phone and grit my teeth through a stilted conversation with my former friend.  It’s my spineless fear of confrontation. But it’s coming.  I feel like it has to.  If she’s going […]