How it’s going: Postpartum, Part 2–Wasting Away

This is a post that’s been swimming around in my brain for a while now, but I’ve been hesitant to write it because I imagine some readers’ reactions being something along the lines of “You’ve lost too much baby weight? Cry me a river.”  If you think you might fall into that category, please skip […]


I didn’t write an end-of-year post, a goodbye-2014/hello-2015 wrap-up. Because the end of the year didn’t feel like an ending. But now does. The year of the horse is coming to a close. It started on January 31, 2014, just before my last week of work. Within weeks, we had packed up our house and […]

Perchance to Dream #MicroblogMondays

I would kill for a 3-hour stretch of sleep right about now. Last night, baby girl’s longest was an hour and a half. Ninety minutes. More often less. I am dragging today. * In brighter news, tomorrow is the deadline for what Hubby is now referring to as his dream job. I won’t go into […]

The Tenth Month

Baby girl is 10 months old, you guys. That’s, like, so close to a year it’s freaking me out a little. This month has been another crazy one, with her second round-trip intercontinental flight, including an overnight stay in a country that required an actual stamp (visa) in her already well-used passport. It was the […]