This is my 100th post.  When I started this blog, I didn’t exactly imagine where I would be by the time I had written this many posts, so I can’t say whether I’m further ahead or behind than where I thought I’d be.  In this regard, I had no expectations.  It’s kind of nice, for once.

I had decided a long time ago that expectation was the killer of happiness.  It didn’t stop me from having them.  And my expectations on the baby-making front are driving me crazy lately.

So, for my 100th post, here are 100 things I am that have nothing to do with infertility:

  1. wife
  2. daughter
  3. sister
  4. friend
  5. lover
  6. crochet-er
  7. reader
  8. writer
  9. poet
  10. laugher-out-loud, especially when I’m by myself, watching TV or reading blogs
  11. cry-er at movies, even in public
  12. wannabe sew-er
  13. nerd
  14. blogger
  15. teacher–though I always insisted I didn’t want to be one
  16. aunt
  17. great-aunt
  18. wear-er of funky clothes
  19. patient
  20. compassionate
  21. trustworthy
  22. hopeful–sometimes
  23. fidget-er
  24. taker of three-hour naps (when I can)
  25. owner of two hilarious cats
  26. appreciator of my husband’s jokes–even when he’s not intentionally telling one
  27. intelligent
  28. curious
  29. wannabe yogi
  30. spiritual seeker
  31. watcher of too much TV
  32. (occasional) interpreter of dreams
  33. educated
  34. traveler
  35. homebody
  36. paradox
  37. listener
  38. nervous talker
  39. singer–loudly, usually in the car
  40. mover to music of all kinds
  41. tall
  42. un-athletic
  43. couch potato
  44. experimenter
  45. nostalgic
  46. sentimental
  47. wannabe psychic
  48. journaler
  49. child development “expert”
  50. flexible
  51. laid-back
  52. neurotic
  53. anxious
  54. walking contradiction
  55. “girl with kaleidoscope eyes”
  56. observant
  57. pile-izer
  58. creative
  59. doodler
  60. collector of books
  61. concert goer (soon!)
  62. cheerer of underdogs
  63. sports watcher
  64. occasionally even a sports fan
  65. slow mover
  66. not a morning person
  67. slow eater
  68. introvert
  69. inquisitive
  70. intelligent
  71. wannabe hippie
  72. novice cook
  73. lover of flying
  74. lover of roller-coasters
  75. lover of going fast
  76. long-distance driver
  77. not a hugger
  78. easy smiler
  79. easy laugher
  80. shy
  81. quiet
  82. also, loud
  83. proud of my husband
  84. excited to see my sister
  85. excited to see my niece
  86. excited to see my dad
  87. learner
  88. efficient
  89. impatient
  90. jeans-and-t-shirt kind of girl
  91. diplomatic
  92. peace-loving
  93. antsy
  94. emotional
  95. forgiving
  96. stubborn
  97. crafty (as in, making crafts)
  98. worrier
  99. warrior
  100. survivor

I started writing this before Jeanette’s recent post, but I think it’s a good exercise for all of us.  We can’t let infertility define who we are.

24 thoughts on “100

    • Go right ahead. I stole it from somewhere–not the 100 part, but the “I am” part. I can’t even remember where now. Can’t wait to read your list!

  1. I would modify #14 to be “fantastically interesting blogger”. 🙂 Congrats on 100 and keep going!

  2. I adore this post. What an interesting and empowering idea for your 100th post. As usual, there are so many things on this list that I find we have in common. Some things very different, but so very many similarities. I’ve still got a ways to go before 100, but I’m jealous that you thought of this post b/c I’d love to steal it when I get there, but I think too much of you as a writer to do that!

  3. Slightly behind but I’m catching up on posts. Happy 100 posts! Here’s to 100 more, and hopefully by that time we will both be trying to find time to post while each holding a child of our own. But even if we aren’t, we’ll celebrate then too. ❤

  4. I read Jeanette’s post, it meant something to me. Often, she says things that I have been thinking, but have not said myself.
    I love this idea. I think I’ll make a things I am other than a Baby Loss Mother list.

      • I’m running behind on pretty much everything related to project Erin.
        [Actually, that’s a lie…. we are in our TWW for this current cycle, so can I claim TTC for June/July as a completed task?
        Also, I got married on July 1, and that was most definitely a part of the ongoing project.]
        I have to get to blogging and twitter and a few freelance communications projects that I am doing to build a portfolio… Step 1 is definitely going to be implementing a schedule. Just winging it is not working for me.

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