Birthday Wishes #MicroblogMondays

Friday is my 37th birthday. I probably would have completely forgotten about it, but Hubby reminded me this weekend and asked what I wanted to do. As an infertile, birthdays had always been a painful reminder of the passage of time with nothing (yet) to show for it in the family-building department. Last year was the first birthday when I didn’t have to wish that next year would be better. Not only did I finally have my baby girl, but my family was here to celebrate (her) with me.

This year, I’m again feeling that familiar itch to be doing something. Our embryos may be frozen in time, but I’m not. If we’re going to have more than one child, keeping up with them isn’t going to get any easier as I enter my 40s. And, if I have any control over it at all, I don’t want too large a gap between little Missy and any siblings she may have.

This birthday is also hard because it marks a whole year since my family last saw baby girl in person. I don’t know what we’d do without Skype, but it’s just not the same.

Last night, I told Hubby what I want for my birthday: some me-time to go get a haircut and maybe do some thrift shopping, and this weekend, a family day at a park or maybe the botanical garden. As for the other stuff, maybe next year….

 Want to participate?  Check out Mel’s post to find out how.

12 thoughts on “Birthday Wishes #MicroblogMondays

  1. I really remember feeling the pain of passing time on my past birthdays when we were TTC (or contemplating it) too. But I’m always amazed by how much can change in a year — and by what kind of surprising curveballs can be thrown our way at any given time. Maybe next year there will be even more to celebrate. 🙂 Happy early birthday to you!!

  2. It’s hard to celebrate these milestones when you’re in limbo. Wishing you a peacefilled birthday and may this next year be filled with change that you desire.

  3. Happy early birthday! I know what you mean about Skype…I used to get by with phone calls, but ever since Q I’ve been Skyping with someone in my family almost every day. I don’t know how I would survive without it!

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