#MicroblogMondays: Not-so-micro

We had our 20 week scan on Monday. Everything looks good so far, and… It’s a boy!

I don’t think I realized until I saw a penis on the screen how much I was expecting another girl. I was comfortable with that idea. But a boy? We have so many new things to consider, including my Jewish-but-not-religious husband’s views on circumcision. I’ve already sorted Missy’s clothes, pulling out the items that are neutral or boy-appropriate. And don’t get me started on names. I have a list of over 20 possibilities, most of which Hubby will probably poo-poo before offering heavily accented alternatives in his native language.

Missy has a favorite name picked out, but was otherwise unimpressed when she heard the news of a baby brother.

21 weeks 1 day with the Kid

21 weeks with Missy

I kept hearing about bellies popping sooner and bigger the second time around. My bump this time looks…lumpier?…but smaller than it did at the same point last time around. I’ve now started blatantly announcing my pregnancy to people who respond with either varying degrees of surprise or a knowing “I thought so (but I didn’t want to say anything, just in case).” Meaning, in case I’d just put on a few over the holidays.

I’ve made my Facebook announcement, minus the usual caveats or explanations, hoping that anyone who might be affected by an ultrasound picture popping up in their feed already knows what we’ve been through to get this far. So now everyone knows.

Want to participate? Check out Mel’s post to find out how.

9 thoughts on “#MicroblogMondays: Not-so-micro

  1. Congratulations!!! When we learned we were having a little boy in my last pregnancy, I was scared and had mixed feelings. Let me assure you…it’s the most incredible thing. Raising my little guy has been far different than raising my girls, but it’s been fascinating and so fun. I can’t wait to follow you through the rest of your pregnancy! xo

  2. I can’t believe how much I’ve missed (I saw on Facebook!). I need to unsubscribe to some fluff blogs so I don’t miss out on these big milestones! Sending you so much love. Thrilled missy gets to have a baby brother and you get to have a son!

  3. Daryl – I used to blog about infertility at PlayItAllNightLong – not sure if you remember me. Anyway, I just happened to see this and I am so glad for you! How exciting! 🙂

    • Yes, of course I remember you! How are you? Thank you so much. It is exciting and starting to feel real now (which is also a little scary)! Missy is thrilled and talks about baby brother all the time!

      • I can totally understand the scary/excited feelings! 🙂 I am well – super randomly, just after I started a Ph.D. program here in Boston, I found out I was pregnant (about three years after my last IVF round). So, yeah….now we have a little boy who turns two next month. So. Weird. Fantastic, but weird, you know? (Also, I’m still a bit miffed that we moved to one of the few states that mandates that medical insurance cover IUI/IVF procedures, after we stopped doing IVF….) So your posts about parenting after infertility are particularly resonant these days! It’s such an odd space – to have experienced both sides of the infertility/fertility coin – and so I’m bookmarking your blog again so I can keep reading how you’re navigating it. Email me if you’re ever coming to Boston and I’d love to show you and the family around town!

      • Oh my gosh, that is such amazing news! Congratulations! And how is the Ph.D. going? Oh, man, I’ll definitely keep my fingers crossed Hubby has a conference or something in Boston in the near future!

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